10 Entry-Level Remote Jobs You Can Get With No Experience In 2024

Surely the sight of “entry-level” in a job posting would indicate that the role requires no experience, right?

Ironically, this is not the case.

It appears as though there are increasing numbers of entry-level job adverts requiring three or more years of experience, which seems to defeat the very notion of what entry-level is supposed to be: suitable for professionals with little to no experience whatsoever, who are at the brinks of their careers.

For example, according to a 2021 LinkedIn analysis of job postings, 60% of entry-level jobs within the computer and IT industry require three or more years of experience; the share of entry-level jobs demanding this figure for years of experience within the manufacturing, design, education, and finance industries stood at 50%, 47%, 45%, and 44% respectively.

Additionally, even in countries such as the UK, more than 50% of entry-level job listings required 2.7 years of experience, with the greatest proportion of listings being within the IT industry as well, according to a 2024 report by StandOut CV.

This makes it harder for you to get your foot in the door and launch a successful career, because it goes into an endless, pointless cycle: you need experience to get work, but to get the experience you need to get work in the first place.

Thankfully, not all entry-level jobs are created equal. Not only are there some roles which are truly “entry-level” in every sense of the word, but there are also employers who have systems and programs in place to ensure that the entry-level remote jobs they are hiring, are suitable for those who have recently graduated or completed their training.


How To Find Entry-Level Remote Jobs That Require No Experience